I designed a brand identity and social media posts for Aoife, who started an Instagram page dedicated to documenting her travels around Europe in a renovated van. She specifically posts about way finding systems around European cities and how accessible they are to people with visual impairments. She hopes to raise awareness about accessibility surrounding visual impairments with her Instagram page.
Primary logo for Life in the Blurry Lane including the title in braille.
Alternate colour for the primary logo. The illustration depicts a scene of Aoife's van driving through a sunny, tropical landscape.
A potential Instagram post showing the title of the Instagram page in Braille sitting in front of a blurry image of Aoife's van parked up in front of a beautiful landscape.
A potential Instagram post, playing with Braille to imitate a star constellation in the sky however also spelling out 'life'.
Another potential Instagram post spelling out 'Life in the Blurry Lane' in Braille with birds flying around it to reflect Aoife's journey travelling and staying outdoors in her van.
A potential Instagram post: Aoife's van driving down a hill in front of a Braille grid.
This is Aoife's primary logo sitting in front of a blurry image of Aoife laying inside her van looking out at the sea.

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